The left two images are the Wedding Gown once it was hand washed. The right two images are before the wedding gown was cleaned.

This Wedding Dress was very soiled after the Wedding day. We got amazing results after the cleaning process was complete and were happy to send this home for Keepsake

Lace wedding dress before and after cleaning process. You can see the difference in appearance once the wedding dress is cleaned. Services available in Adelaide, Western Suburbs.

A lace Wedding Dress example of before and after the cleaning process.

This Wedding Dress responded very well to the hand washing process. Before and after shots.
Silk wedding dress before and after the cleaning process. Amazing results.

This is a Silk Wedding Gown we recently cleaned. Silk can be very difficult to clean and extra care is needed to get amazing results.

Lace wedding dress before and after results.
Very grubby Wedding Dress before and after shot. Amazing results.